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Consumer Insights & POS ice tea 2023

Iced tea is a changing product category experiencing growth: a range of new, “hip” products have taken over the market in recent years, creating a new “iced tea craze.” With a modernized image and new pre-sale methods through social media and influencers.

What are consumer habits when it comes to iced tea consumption? What are the motivators and barriers to purchasing?

What are the preferences and expectations of consumers?

What changes are there in consumer attitudes?

The mafowerk Trend Evaluation Study “Consumer and POS Insights Iced Tea 2023” illustrates the influence and impact of the three key factors “POS – Product – Consumer” and examines the development potential compared to 2020 and 2021 – for further successful marketing in this product category.


Our studies can be provided in English upon request. For additional details, please reach out to us.



Image: © shutterstock / Dragon Images

The aim of the study is to examine the purchasing behavior in iced tea.

Publication: 12/2023
Industry: Non-alcoholic beverages
Type: Consumer Insights
Region/Language: Germany/German
(This study is also available in English upon request.)

Download Study Preview as PDF (DE)

The results of the Consumer & POS Insights Iced Tea 2023 can be ordered from mafowerk at any time. The results are available and can be delivered within two business days after ordering.

The fee for the study is: 3,900 euros (net plus VAT).

The fee for the Consumer Insights 2023, including the comparative data for 2020/2021, is: 4,900 euros (net plus VAT).


Delivery of the complete study results in electronic pptx format in German, including comprehensive interpretations of the findings. Personal results presentation is optional (at an additional cost). The terms and conditions of mafowerk GmbH can be found at:

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