The market for ready-made desserts has seen a significant positive development in both revenue and sales in recent years.* Plant-based... read more →
Eating typically consumes time. Ready-to-drink meal replacements (Smart Food) address this directly, promising consumers quick, enjoyable, and filling... read more →
Cereals and muesli are a staple on the breakfast table. However, the demand for cereals and mueslis is also influenced... read more →
The bar market remains an important category for retailers, especially in the lucrative checkout zone. "Healthier Snacking" in... read more →
Ready meals are an integral part of many consumers' hectic lifestyles. For an increasing number of... read more →
With a current count of 66 outlets, the significance of Smart Stores remains relatively low compared to... read more →
Retail is replacing print-supported communication with digital channels because printed measures are considered cost-intensive and environmentally burdensome... read more →
Es gibt deutliche Veränderungen in der Einstellung zum Backen: die Freude am Werk tritt in den Vordergrund und Preis, Einfachheit... read more →
Das Food-Angebot am POS Tankstelle wird immer vielfältiger und bietet ein attraktives Zusatzgeschäft für den Tankstellenbetreiber - was neben... read more →
Es gibt nur wenige Food-Warengruppen, die über die letzten Jahre so deutlich gewachsen sind wie Sports Nutrition. Seit der... read more →