mafowerk Workout
What sticks in people’s minds and which features are actually picked up on the best?
Consumers are faced with promotions in the different product groups at the POS every day. But they don’t register everything, not every action comes to the consumer’s attention. The most important prerequisite for a successful POS promotion is – in addition to sufficient distribution – for consumers to take notice of it and also recognise it as such.
How often and to what extent this is the case can be shown by the mafowerk POS Promotion Awareness Panel.
mafowerk Workout
POS-Promotion Awareness Panel
delivers answers to the key question: which promotions do people remember?
Consumers are faced with promotions in the different product groups at the POS every day. But they don’t register everything, not every action comes to the consumer’s attention. The most important prerequisite for a successful POS promotion is – in addition to sufficient distribution – for consumers to take notice of it and also recognise it as such.
Key questions
- “What sticks in people’s minds and which features are actually picked up on the best?”
These are the important questions to ask before planning a successful POS promotion. These also apply when planning revival, seasonal or themed promotions (Christmas, Easter, football events, etc.) and when launching new products - Meffert’s notion “captivate rather than offer discounts” applies to promotions
The question is: which promotions do people remember?
- Memorable promotions increase the attractiveness of a brand and therefore strengthen brand equity
- Details of the promotion that are remembered increase brand recognition and the probability of success for subsequent projects
mafowerk Workout
POS-Promotion Awareness Panel
provides you with a comprehensive picture of the real impact of the promotion through the combination of measuring emotion through a detailed examination of the target group and sales uplift.
Benefits of POS-Promotions
- are often consumers’ first point of contact with a new product and essentially shape the image of a brand
- are necessary, but also dangerous if they only ever offer discounts – and train customers to be price promotion buyers
Objective: to optimise awareness and sustainability of POS promotions
To get the best for the brand from good promotion ideas – successful promotions increase sales and draw attention to the brand:

mafowerk Workout
Promotion triad
Without awareness everything is nothing, but awareness is not everything – mafowerk Promotion triad: