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mafowerk Trend Evaluation
Consumer and Shopper Insights

Always up-to-date. Knowing what’s achievable.

There are many new trends in products and markets.
But which ones are sustainable and which ones promise success if followed?
What do consumers really think about trends or new products?

mafowerk Trend Evaluation
Consumer and Shopper Insights

offer significant insights into consumer attitudes, habits and readiness to buy.
These studies serve as points of reference as to whether or not a trend is really sustainable, what needs to be taken into account when targeting customers, how products or services need to be placed at the POS – and where.

mafowerk Trend Evaluation
Consumer and Shopper Insights

Consumer and Shopper Insights studies have been designed to be “ready to use” – they offer can offer product managers, trade marketing managers, category managers and key account managers clear and practical decision-making advice with regard to the respective trend and its sustainability.

mafowerk Trend Evaluation
Consumer and Shopper Insights

provides insights and recommendations for action using a clear analysis process:

Recent mafowerk Trend Evaluation studies: find out more here…